Short Introduction to Spanish Contemporary Art.

Text:  by Jack Neilson

  1. Introduction
  2. Chema Cobo
  3. Vendaval
  4. Felipe Ortega Regalado
  5. J.A. Gonzalez de la Calle
  6. Conclusion

Neilson Gallery - C/Dr Mateos Gago 50-54, 11610 Grazalema, Cádiz, España. -   Tlf.: (+34) 956 132 451 /  678 244 077

Talk at the National Museum Institute, New Delhi, by Jack Neilson, Director of the Neilson Gallery, who gave a short Introduction to Spanish contemporary art. The event was attended by Y. K Sinha from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and  suported by the Cervantes Institute, New Delhi, of which the Cultural Director Jesús Clavero, gave the general introduction.