Neilson Gallery - C/Dr Mateos Gago 50-54, 11610 Grazalema, Cádiz, España. - Tlf.: (+34)
956 132 451 / 678 244 077
Our interventions and instalations aim to occupy and transform as much the everyday objects (as in this case) as urban or natural spaces or elements of these such as city furniture, public sculpture, monuments, traffic lights, trees. In these way we emphasis everyday details that are not normally noticed, often we apply a sense of humour
This phone is tapped” in Spanish translates as this “phone is interfered with”, and this can be understood in two ways. One interpretation is that the phone is manipulated from an artistic view point and the other is a reference to Spy films of the last half of the XX century where the phone is often in interfered with (tapped).
With “Golden Eye” we play sunglasses brought in a street market ( they are an imitation of the mythical Arnette Model from the 90´s). They are converted into a piece of art by adding a sumptuous material such as gold, paradoxically this piece while now totally useless as sunglasses achieves a market price much higher than the cost of the real article. The title is also a homage to the James Bond film of the same title. ( again a spy film)
“This boots are made for walking” is a title that coincides with a song by nancy Sinatra, which tells a story about walking boots. Our boots appear to go in the same direction, they are colourful, bold and full of energy, but….they are not able to be used for walking, nor for even putting on.