Neilson Gallery - C/Dr Mateos Gago 50-54, 11610 Grazalema, Cádiz, España. -   Tlf.: (+34) 956 132 451 /  678 244 077

David Lopez Panea

Since 2004 David Lopez Panea has been principally painting landscapes, using a range of techniques. He has  concentrated on various Southern Spanish landscapes, principally those of Cabo de Gata, Almeria and  the sierra de Grazalema, exploring these rich and diverse environments through oil on canvas, drawings using graphite, ink and pencil ,watercolors and photography.  This current series of works are more intimate explorations of  these local environments, first through photography and then exploring these in the studio through drawings, final translating the images onto canvas, His work is very intense and multilayered the deceptive simplicity of the final work is created by a masterfull understaning of material and colour.