Neilson Gallery - C/Dr Mateos Gago 50-54, 11610 Grazalema, Cádiz, España. -   Tlf.: (+34) 956 132 451 /  678 244 077

Gloria Martin

The works presented here speak, on one hand, of what is behind the scenes, what is not seen, the backstage of the artwork. In this case playing on the word “crated”.

And on the other hand, Gloria Martin reinterprets the famous series “ Boite en Valise” by Marcel Duchamp, art containers forming a kind of portable museum, creating a dialectic between full / empty, indoor / outdoor......

"Although at first glance the work of Gloria Martin may seem simple (a trait for her candor seems captivating) if we move carefully into her work we discover a strong pictorial and conceptual project. Its starting point is the museum universe,  the idea of sacred art objects as contemporary traces, reflecting on their meaning, history and way of contextualization".
